Nowadays, children at a very early age start feeling ignored, dissatisfied, upset, sensitive, emotionally unbalanced, etc., and choose the wrong paths, which leads to a destroyed future in children’s life.
We can observe that this problem has increased drastically, and very prominent cases are heard regularly. Parents are the first guide of a child, before counseling children, parents must need to understand things they must do and not do to make children stable and happy.
Parents must understand that in what sought of atmosphere a child needs to grow up and what a child expects from their parents. They can reconnect with their child by following some DO’S and DON’TS:
- Parents must devote TIME to their children and ask them about their daily activities.
- Parents must ENGAGE IN OPEN communication with their children.
- Parents must be FRIENDLY so that children should not HESITATE while telling them about their personal life experiences and problems.
- Parents should become the FIRST COUNSELLOR of their children. Private counselors and guides are always there, but the emotional connection, safety, and comfort a child gets from its parents could not find in anybody else.
- They should teach them VALUES so that children must be grounded with the basic values and not forget how to live in a society.
- Parents must give FREEDOM to their children but always silently keep a check on their child’s activity.
- Parents must set an EXAMPLE for their children.
- They must ENCOURAGE their child to gain REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES.
- They should not leave their child in THIRD PERSON’S control or fully hand over to some other person even if they know them. A child’s growth in a family is very essential because it helps a child to learn values, be grounded in its culture, and experience belongingness, and it helps a child to decide and move in the right direction.
- Parents must CHANGE WITH TIME and should not create pressure on their children.
- Do not SHAME or PUNISH children in front of their friends and society, This creates a sense of peer pressure and stress for the child.
- Do not PUNISH or SHAME them after they enter TEENAGE. Talk to them politely and handle every situation with a sense of love and comfort. Be strict but not in a violent manner.
- Parents should not COMPARE their children with other children.
- Parent must not NEGLECT their child.
The role of parents in children’s life is very crucial as they serve as first teachers, counselors, mentors, and guides to the child. The feeling of COMPLETION comes from parents to the children. So, parents must work but take out time for their children and look after them for their prosperous life ahead and make them successful individuals who will contribute to many lives.